Private Membership Association for Pregnancy, Pediatric, & Whole Family Chiropractic Care
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We Are the Champions!

Your body is smart! Your body is strong! And
as long as you are alive, your body is and will
be continually working to help you adapt to
whatever circumstances you encounter in
your environment. That’s how it works!
That’s what it is does! You are not a victim of
your circumstances at all. Instead, you are a
champion of them!!

Think about it. When it is hot outside, your
body sweats and helps you cool down so
that your internal temperature stays the
same. When it’s cold, your muscles contract
to make more heat. That doesn’t just
happen, although it DOES happen without
you thinking about it. The truth is, many
things need to happen to obtain the desired
result. Your body first encounters the
challenge, in this case either heat or cold.
Then it sends signals to your brain and your
brain configures a plan and sends out more
signals. Chemicals may need to be made,
organs may need to be involved, all to
achieve the desired effect.

And your body is doing way more
complicated things than that and many of
them all at one time!! And your body doesn’t
just do sometimes; it does this ALL THE
TIME. Your body is on the job ALL THE TIME.
For example, you are constantly
encountering germs and viruses, whether
you are at school, at the store, or even at
home. They are everywhere!!! Lots of
them!!! But your body is also CONSTANTLY
on the job monitoring what you encounter
(much of which is not a problem) and
sending signals about potential threats.

Your body uses your nerve system as a
communication system to relay messages
and signals. Your nerve system is made of
many tiny cells called neurons. Your brain
alone has billions of neurons. These cells
relay information to each other through a
complex electrochemical process. Messages
are sent from your body parts to the brain
via one part of your nerve system (afferent
neurons). Then messages are sent back from
the brain to the body parts via another part
of your nerve system (efferent neurons.) In
this manner, your nerve system controls
every other system and function of your

Your nerve system is so important that it is
protected by bone. The skull protects the
brain and the bones of the spine protect the
spinal cord and nerve roots. But sometimes,
the bones of the spine can become
misaligned and instead of protecting the
nerve tissue it can distort the proper
function and communication within the
nerve system. This is called a vertebral
subluxation. This would obviously be a
problem because if your nerve system isn’t
working at its best, then your
communication system is on the blink, and
the rest of your body can’t work at its best
Chiropractors check to make sure the bones
of your spine are properly aligned so there is
no disruption to your communication system
and your whole body can work at its best.
Isn’t it amazing to know that this is how your
body works!?! No, you are surely not a victim
of your circumstances at all. We are
champions indeed!! The greatest of all time!!!

—By Judy Nutz Campanale, DC, ACP