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What’s Wrong with Me?!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why
can’t I do anything right?” “Why doesn’t
anybody get me?” “Why can’t I be taller?”
“Why can’t I be smarter?” “Why don’t I fit
in?” “Why don’t I ever __?” (Fill in the
blank with whatever you think is lacking
about you.) And then STOP!!!

One of life’s most important lessons is this:
the way we CHOOSE to see the world,
creates the world we see. In other words,
YOU CHOOSE! YOU decide what you will see
by deciding what it is you will look for! So if
you’re looking for problems, guess what you
will see? That’s right… problems. If you’re
looking for ways you don’t measure up,
guess what you will find? Your weaknesses…
of course.

However, guess what you find if you’re
looking for miracles. Right again… miracles!!!
And you ARE a miracle!!! You are simply
AMAZING!!! You just may not be looking for
the right things!!!

Think about it. Your body is so smart that it
not only created itself, but it is constantly
recreating itself every minute of every day!
For example, you will replace about 50,000
dying cells in your body with new cells during
the very time it takes you to read this
sentence. That’s pretty AMAZING!!! You also
make a new skeleton every three months
and a new layer of skin every month!!! That’s
pretty cool, no!?!

And that skin you are making, every square
inch of it contains 20 feet of blood vessels, 4
yards of nerve fibers, 1,300 nerve cells, 100
sweat glands, and 3 million cells. That’s
pretty incredible, don’t you think? How do
you do that? You’re AMAZING that’s how!!!

Your skin is AMAZING inch for inch but
together it makes up your body’s largest
organ. And as an organ, it’s also pretty
AMAZING and could be likened to a pretty
big medicine cabinet. Did you know that
your skin secretes antibacterial substances
and serves as the first layer of defense for
invading microorganisms? Most bacteria that
land on the skin die quickly. How cool is

Every minute of every day, your body is
adapting to the ever-changing environment
around you. It’s totally AMAZING and as long
as you are alive, you will have this incredible
ability!!! You are able to do this because
your body uses your nerve system as a
communication system. Your body parts
send messages to your brain via nerves and
your spinal cord, and then your brain
communicates back via nerves. Your nerve
system is so critical to you being your most
AMAZING self, that most of it is protected
by bone, the brain by the skull, and the
spinal cord by the bones of the spine.

This is why it is so important that your spine
is in good alignment. Misalignments of the
bones of the spine can distort the
communication within the nerve system and
keep your body from adapting as efficiently
and appropriately as you should. Seeing your
chiropractor to have your spine checked for
vertebral subluxations and adjusted when
necessary will reduce the miscommunication
and help you be your best!

Remember, you will always find what you are
looking for. You are designed to be AMAZING
and there are SO MANY examples of how
AMAZING you truly are. You just need to
look for them!

—By Judy Nutz Campanale, DC, ACP