Yes, it’s like magic!! And you are the magician!
Actually, it’s your AMAZING body that does all
the work but yeah… like magic!!! What am I
talking about? I’m talking about your incredible
ability to turn what you just ate, whether it was
breakfast lunch or dinner, into a living, breathing
human being.
Now listen, it would be cool enough to just think
about how your AMAZING body can turn chicken
fingers or pancakes into eyeballs, right!?! But
you are an even better magician that that!!!
Maybe you’ve seen magic tricks where the
magician makes things disappear. It might be
something small like a dollar bill or a bird, or it
might be something huge like the Statue of
Liberty. Something that is visible becomes
invisible. Well, you can do that AND the exact
opposite. You can make the visible become
invisible AND you can make the INvisible
become VISIBLE!!! Let me tell you what I’m
talking about.
Let’s first look at how you make something
visible invisible. When you eat anything, for
example an apple, the process of digestion
breaks down the apple and turns it into useful
products that actually become you. But when
your body breaks down the food, one of the byproducts is carbon which you eliminate from
your body as carbon dioxide in air you exhale.
Something you can’t see!!! Carbon is the second
most common element in the body. Proteins,
carbohydrates, and fats all contain carbon, so no
matter what you eat, to some extent, you turn
something visible (food) into something invisible
(carbon dioxide in the breath you exhale). In
fact, the average human exhales about 2.3
pounds of carbon dioxide on the average day.
The more active you are, the more you produce.
Presto… change-o!! AMAZING!!
What’s more, you’re such a great magician, you
can also change the INvisible into the visible.
When you eat, your body breaks the food down
into complex molecules like glucose, which it can
use for energy. However, food alone is not
enough to create the energy you need. You also
need oxygen to react with the glucose to create
energy. And you are awesome at doing that!!!
You breathe in just over 2,000 gallons of air
every day—enough to almost fill up a normalsized swimming pool.
You take the INvisible (oxygen in the air you
breathe) and combine it in your body with other
elements to produce energy which you see
anytime you move, whether it’s jumping on a
trampoline, riding your bike, or playing your
favorite sport. Presto change-o!! In fact, you
breathe in over 2,000 gallons of air every day…
enough to fill an average sized swimming pool!!
Your body can do all of this because it uses your
nerve system to communicate with itself. Your
brain talks to your stomach and digestive system
as well as your lungs and respiratory system.
That’s how they know what to do. The better your
brain and nerve system can talk to your parts, the
better your body functions. Your nerve system is
protected by bone (i.e., your skull and your spine)
because this communication is so important, not
just for your digestive and respiratory systems but
for EVERY system of your body,
Sometimes, the bones of your spine can misalign
because of things you do every day. Those
misalignments can distort the communication
between your brain and your body parts, then
things might not work as well as they should or
could. Your family chiropractor will check your
spine for these misalignments (called vertebral
subluxations) and adjust you whenever necessary
to restore the communication. Then
you can be the AMAZING magician you
were meant to be. Presto change-o!!
—By Judy Nutz Campanale DC, ACP