With so much MIS-information on social media these days, it is wise to NOT believe everything you hear or read. But see!?! Can’t you believe your own eyes??? Of course, the old saying, “Believe nothing you hear and only half of Read more…
Category: Intentional Living
Parents commonly used this famous Mark Twain quote in the upbringing of their children decades ago. The idea is that if you lie, you must work to remember the details of the lie you told. As a rule, lying takes Read more…
As the 53rd annual Earth Day approaches (first observed on April 22, 1970), you are probably familiar with these three most famous words from the recycling era: reduce, reuse, recycle. They refer to how these three simple actions can have Read more…
When education and the raising of children aligns with the rhythms and cycles of Mother Nature, then we will have woken up. Nothing rushed, nothing forced, just enough structure to allow for what wants to unfold to happen in its Read more…
For example: What exactly is it? What does it do? And why should I care? The pelvic floor is a bowl-shaped group of muscles that sits inside your hip bones. It is responsible for many things, including supporting the abdominal Read more…
You may be too young to remember the Dunkin’ (then known as Dunkin’ Donuts) commercial that made the title line famous. It’s 3:30 in the morning and an alarm clock begins to ring. You see an older gentlemen (Fred the Baker) fumble Read more…
Amidst a battle with mental illness, one of my beloved children lived in rural New Hampshire under a bridge. She told me how she had weaned herself off a plethora of ineffective pharmaceuticals by doing three things: walking all day, Read more…
It’s hard when our parenting behavior doesn’t measure up to our aspirations. But falling short is how we learn and grow. I recently had the honor of hosting a Healing Story Circle for some of the wonderful moms in my Read more…
The imagination is a powerful force of life. Great men and women of the past have always held their wonderful, human imagination to be the source of their achievements and accomplishments. From great works of art, literature, sculpture, and architecture Read more…
Most kids probably don’t even think about new year’s resolutions, let alone set goals for themselves for the coming year. That is in part because kids pretty much live in the moment. They aren’t thinking about tomorrow let alone next Read more…