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“Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food.”

Growing Microgreens is fun, low cost, and something amazing to do for a healthy treat!  Microgreens are vegetables or herbs that are harvested prior to maturity. This is typically 7-14 days after germination. They can be eaten as a snack, a garnish, or a central ingredient at meal time.

Benefits of Microgreens

  • 1. Microgreens are more nutrient packed than they would be in their full-grown form.
  • 2. Microgreens contain a greater variety of polyphenols (antioxidants) than the mature plant.
  • 3. Consumption of microgreens can help keep the heart healthy by improving cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • 4. Consumption of microgreens has been known to decrease inflammation in the body.
  • 5. Growing microgreens is low cost.
  • 6. Consumption of microgreens has been known to help balance blood sugar.
  • 7. Microgreens can be grown year round.
  • 8. Microgreens can be grown outdoor or indoor.
  • 9. Microgreens are quick growing.
  • 10. Microgreens require a limited amount of space.

Some Vegetables and Herbs that Make Great Microgreens!

arugula, chard, chives, radish, cabbage, beets, cilantro, kale, parsley, mint, dill, carrot, celery, basil, fennel, broccoli, kohlrabi

How to Grow Microgreens

  • 1. In a shallow tray, lay evenly about one inch of soil.
  • 2. Sprinkle the seed as evenly as possible over the soil. The seeds can be somewhat close together as they will not be growing to their full height and will not need as much room.
  • 3. Cover with another layer of soil.
  • 4. Water by misting the soil with a spray bottle.
  • 5. Place the tray by the window to soak in some natural light or place the tray under a grow light. If you desire, you may use a warming mat to speed up growth.
  • 6. Mist the soil a few times per day.
  • 7. When the plants are one to three inches tall, harvest them by cutting just above the soil line. This will be approximately 7-14 days.
  • 8. Eat the harvested microgreens within a few days.
  • 9. To begin a new batch of microgreens, remove the roots and replant or start with new soil.

Happy Microgreening!

by Samantha Stupak