Private Membership Association for Pregnancy, Pediatric, & Whole Family Chiropractic Care
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  • BioEnergetic Testing
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In a typical C-section, a small incision is made inthe mom’s abdomen and the doctor, handsaround baby’s neck, pulls upward andmaneuvers the baby out. This is how one out ofevery three babies in the United States entersthe world. This is Read more…

Being stressed or angry at mealtimes can diminish the nutritional benefits of the food we eat. There’s good reason to cheer up before we chow down. My consistent advice is to exercise, pray, meditate, write, listen to music, or even Read more…

While health experts do not all agree on the exact amount, many recommend that people drink half their weight in ounces (oz.) of water every day!!! That’s a lot of water!! For the average 200 pound man that’s 100 ounces Read more…

The picture above is one of those tricky photos where different people see different things. In this case some people see rectangles and others see circles. What do you see? How can we explain two people looking at the exact Read more…

There’s a lot of well-deserved attention right now on teaching mindfulness to children, at home and in school. We know that mindfulness can be a powerful intervention to help young people cultivate critical skills for paying attention, and calming down Read more…

Namaste is a non-contact greeting with ancient Hindu origins. It is a slight bow slightly with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upward, thumbs close to the chest. Sometimes the word itself may be spoken while bowing. It Read more…

We humans need security. We want to know that we are safe and we are loved and it is all going to be okay. And yet…it isn’t always safe, and it sometimes isn’t going to be okay. Even being loved Read more…

Being present as a parent can make both the fun times and the struggles something to savor. Have you ever noticed how pregnant women and parents with little kids seem to naturally attract all kinds of unsolicited advice? When I Read more…

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why can’t I do anything right?” “Why doesn’t anybody get me?” “Why can’t I be taller?” “Why can’t I be smarter?” “Why don’t I fit in?” “Why don’t I ever __?” (Fill in the Read more…

Your body is smart! Your body is strong! Andas long as you are alive, your body is and willbe continually working to help you adapt towhatever circumstances you encounter inyour environment. That’s how it works!That’s what it is does! You Read more…